
Tipo de publicación: Artículos científicos (Publicados en revistas de divulgación o científicas)

Título del artículo: Study of the incorporation of oleoresin Capsicum as an interfacial agent in starch-poly(lactic acid) bilayer films

Registrado por: Polymer Bulletin

Año de publicación: 2022

Resumen: In this work, bilayer films of starch-poly(lactic acid) (PLA) obtained by casting process were prepared by incorporating in the starch layer different concentrations (0, 2, and 4% w/w) of oleoresin Capsicum (OC) as an interfacial agent to improve adhesion between both films. The OC and films (neat and bilayer) were evaluated by different techniques which included HPLC, UV–Vis, FTIR, TGA, SEM and T-peel tests. HPLC showed that capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin are the capsaicinoids present in higher proportions in the OC, 14.73?±?0.26 and 6.28?±?0.07 mg/mL, respectively. FTIR revealed that the frequency and intensity of the –OH bond peak in the films containing OC decreased as the amount of OC increased, probably due to the formation of hydrogen bonds. SEM micrographs exposed that the addition of OC in higher concentrations improved the adhesion between both polymers. The peel strength in the bilayer films also increased as the concentration of OC in the starch layer augmented. Oleoresin Capsicum played the role of interfacial agent, strengthening the adhesion between both films due to the formation of hydrogen bonds concerning the hydroxyl or carbonyl groups presented in both starch and OC and the carbonyl groups of PLA.


Número de páginas:

Autor(es): Colli-Pacheco, J. P.; Rios-Soberanis, C. R.; Moo-Huchin, V. M. & Perez-Pacheco, E.

Campo: Ciencia y tecnología

Disciplina: Ciencias de los materiales

Subdisciplina: Materiales poliméricos

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