Tipo de publicación: Artículos científicos (Publicados en revistas de divulgación o científicas)
Título del artículo: Local atomic structure and Ni nanophase segregation in Zn1-xNixS thin films
Registrado por: FJ Espinosa-Faller
Año de publicación: 2021
Resumen: The local atomic structure of Zn1-xNixS thin films was investigated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The films were grown using RF-sputtering at atomic concentrations x = 0.00, x = 0.04, x = 0.08 and x = 0.14. X-ray diffraction shows that the lattice parameter contracts with increasing Ni concentration, consistent with the smaller atomic radii of Ni compared to that one of Zn. Optical absorption reveals a
reduction of the bandgap as Ni concentration increases, except for sample x = 0.14 where a complex behavior is observed. Results from X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy indicate a shift in the valence state of Ni for the x ¼ 0.14 sample. The analysis of the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra indicate a contraction of ~0.7 Å in the NieS bond distance when compared to
the ZneS bond length, which generates local lattice distortions and an increment of the static disorder as the Ni concentration increases. The EXAFS results for sample x ¼ 0.14 show the presence of a Zn1-xNixS phase and a nanoscopic metallic Ni phase with domain sizes below the diffraction limit. These results reveal that the local atomic structure differs in a significant manner from the average crystalline structure, implying its importance for the determination of the electronic properties of this material.
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Autor(es): Roberto A. Colina-Ruiz Juan A. Hoy-Benítez Juan S. Lezama-Pacheco Jose Mustre de Leon Francisco J. Espinosa-Faller
Campo: Fisica del estado sólido
Disciplina: Ciencia de los materiales
Subdisciplina: Materiales Semiconductores
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