Tipo de publicación: Capítulos de libros científicos
Título del capítulo: Salicylic acid increases root size that favours the absorption and accumulation of macro and micronutrients that contribute to biomass production
Título del libro: Salicylic Acid-A Versatile Plant Growth Regulator
Registrado por: Springer
Año de publicación: 2021
Resumen: We have demonstrated that applications of low concentrations of sali cylic acid (SA) to the shoots of seedlings of plants or to perennial trees signifcantly increase their growth, development, and productivity. It is proposed that the positive effect of the SA of increasing the size of the roots favours the absorption and accu mulation of macro and micronutrients and contribute to biomass and seed produc tion. To test this hypothesis, we run experiments on Zea mays, Capsicum chinense and Solanum lycopersicum and measure their nutritional absorption after spraying, low concentrations (SA) to the canopy. The results have shown that (SA) signif cantly increases the length, weight and dry weight of roots, stems, leaves and yield of these species, as well as the levels of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in the different organs of the plants at the time of harvest. Copper, zinc, manga nese, iron, boron, calcium, and magnesium were also increased in most tissues by the effect of SA.
Editorial: Springer
Número de páginas: 16
Autor(es): Cesar Jacier Tucuch Haas María Gabriela Dzib Ek Silvia Vergara Yoisura Alfonso Larque Saavedra
Campo: Ciencias agrícolas
Disciplina: Agricultura
Subdisciplina: Desarrollo vegetal