Tipo de publicación: Artículos científicos (Publicados en revistas de divulgación o científicas)
Título del artículo: Technological Development Index for the Classification and Multicriteria Analysis of Production Units: Application in Conventional Versus Organic Dual-Purpose Cattle Farming
Registrado por: Avances en Investigación Agropecuaria
Año de publicación: 2021
Resumen: In order to classify, compare and analyze conventional (CBPU, 21) and organic (OBPU, 21) dual-purpose bovine production units, in the Zoque region of Chiapas Mexico, a technological development index (TECDEI) was developed based on: I) machinery and equipment availability and (II) facilities availability. The BPU were classified based on TECDEI using cluster analysis.Technological, economic, environmental and social indicators integreted by multicriteria and multilevel variables were used, analyzed by ANDEVA and Tukey’s test. Four BPU types were identified: (I) 14 CBPU with low TECDEI (CBPU-LI); (II) seven CBPU with high TECDEI (CBPU-HI); (III) seven OBPU-LI and (IV) 14 OBPU-HI. The technological indicator showed statistical differences between CBPU-LI and OBPU-HI for the ranch area, area dedicated to livestock, pasture with scattered trees, grasses diversity, herd size and facilities and machinery availability. The economic indicator showed higher products sold in OBPU-HI compared to CBPU-LI, and both groups were similar in the calf weight for sale; the CBPU-LI had lower total cost ha/year and higher net margin ha/year compared toOBPU-HI. There were no differences in environmental variables, and in the social variables schooling was higher in CBPU-HI compared to CBPU-LI and OBPU-LI; the external labor hired in OBPU-HI was similar to CBPUHI, and total family annual income was higher in OBPU-HI than CBPU-LI. According to TECDEI, OBPU-HI represent a sustainable alternative in dual-purpose bovine production.
Número de páginas:
Autor(es): José Nahed Toral, José Manuel Palma García, José Roberto Aguilar Jiménez, Daniel Grande Cano, Ingrid Abril Valdivieso Pérez, Hugo Alberto Juárez Miravete, Romeo Trujillo Vázquez, Bernardo Sánchez Muñoz, Jorge Luis Ruíz Rojas, Noé Samuel León Martínez, Manuel Roberto Parra Vázquez
Campo: Ciencias agropecuarias
Disciplina: Agroforestería
Subdisciplina: Agroforestería pecuaria
Número de registro: issn 0188789-0