Tipo de publicación: Artículos científicos (Publicados en revistas de divulgación o científicas)
Título del artículo: Local atomic structure and lattice defect analysis in heavily Co-doped ZnS thin films using X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
Registrado por: FJ Espinosa-Faller
Año de publicación: 2020
Resumen: X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy was used to address both the local atomic structure and the local electronic structure around Zn, Co, and S in Co-doped ZnS thin films. X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) revealed changes in the strong pre-edge feature of the S K-edge spectra that depend on the Co
concentration and are related to atomic bound-state transitions through hybridization between 3d transition metal and sp host semiconductor electronic states. These changes reveal intrinsic effects, such as S vacancies and dopant effects. From the Co K-edge XANES spectra, substitution of Co2+ into ZnS is observed. The local atomic
structure around the dopant, obtained by XAFS spectroscopy, indicates a reduction of the Co–S bond length. Optical analysis shows deep absorption centers or intermediate states in the bandgap, ascribed to d-d transitions in the Co atoms that modify the electronic band structure and cause a decrease in the bandgap as a function of Co concentration. This work provides direct evidence of dopant effects in heavily Co-doped ZnS, including bond distances and Debye-Waller factors, providing key elements to generate a realistic atomic structural model, which is crucial to understand the observed electronic properties of this material.
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Autor(es): JA Hoy-Benítez RA Colina-Ruiz JS Lezama-Pacheco J Mustre de León FJ Espinosa-Faller
Campo: Fisica del estado sólido
Disciplina: Ciencia de los materiales
Subdisciplina: Materiales Semiconductores
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