Tipo de publicación: Capítulos de libros científicos
Título del capítulo: The Mayan Culture Video Game "La Casa Maya"
Título del libro: Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Applications
Registrado por: Springer Lecture Notes
Año de publicación: 2023
Resumen: One of the most important cultures in Central America is the Mayan Culture, whose preservation is essential to keep the traditions alive. In this work, a video game with Mayan environment as a scenario is proposed. The objective is that the player acquires the necessary knowledge to deepen in this beautiful culture to obtain new experiences as a Mayan individual. The video game consists in a tour of several places with Mayan traditions where the user can collect coins to achieve points and learn important information about the civilization. We want the user to learn through entertainment technology and feel engaged by the Mayan culture.
Editorial: Springer
Número de páginas: 5
Autor(es): Daniel Rodríguez-Orozco, Amílcar Pérez-Canto, Francisco Madera-Ramírez & Víctor H. Menéndez-Domínguez
Campo: Computación
Disciplina: Ciencias de la Computación
Subdisciplina: VIdeojuegos en la Educación