Capital humano

Tipo: Dirección de tesis de licenciatura, maestría o doctorado

Título: Diseño de un sistema portátil para la evaluación y monitorización de variables biológicas de perros de assitencia, búsqueda y rescate

Asesores: Johan Jair Estrada López, Francisco Alejandro Madera Ramírez

Año: 2022

Resumen: Dogs have an exceptional social bond with human beings. Not only that, but also some of their physical senses (like smell, hearing and vision) are more developed than those of humans. For these reasons, dogs can be trained to perform diverse tasks such as assistance, search and rescue. However, this training is a complex, costly and lengthy process because it relies on the trainer’s personal interpretation of the dog’s diverse responses. The process can be made simpler and cheaper with the ability to monitor the dog’s vital signs, that could be interpreted with arti-ficial intelligence to make inferences on the dog’s adaptation and progress. In this paper, a wearable system is proposed for measuring the dog’s vital signs and mo-tion, with the data being wirelessly transmitted to a computer. The system proto-type has been tested and its performance is analyzed.

Autor: Wilberth David Chí Pérez

Grado académico: Ingeniero en Computación

Fecha de obtención del título: 10 de enero de 2022

Institución: Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Campo: Computación

Disciplina: Ciencias de la Computación
